
1. PyMca

PyMca has been developed by the Software Group of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF).

For the end user, PyMca is a ready to use, and in many aspects state-of-the-art, set of applications implementing most of the needs of X-ray fluorescence data analysis.

For the developer, the PyMca Toolkit is a collection of Python tools for visualization and analysis of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence data. It builds its graphic interface and plotting routines on top of the C++ library Qt through its Python binding PyQt or PySide. Nevertheless, the data analysis routines can be used independently of any graphical interface.


Monte Carlo simulation of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers

3. xraylib: the official online calculator

This webpage is built around xraylib, an ANSI-C library designed to provide convenient access to physical data in the field of interactions of X-rays with matter. The library comes with bindings to a large number of languages such as Python, Perl, Fortran, PHP (used to power this website) and several others. For all information concerning the library, have a look at the xraylib Github repository.

Through the interface provided here, you should be able to perform simple queries from the database. With the instructions provided in the online manual, you will be able to integrate similar queries directly into your own applications using one of the bindings we offer.

xraylib is the result of an ongoing research collaboration between the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France), Ghent University (Flanders, Belgium) and the University of Sassari (Sardinia, Italy). When using this website, or xraylib itself, please cite our work in your publications.


SMAK is Sam’s Microprobe Analysis Toolkit,a software package for x-ray microprobe data.

​It contains the basic functions for:
  • Importing ASCII fluorescence data and displaying as an image
  • Support for several colormaps and displays of scale legends
  • Ability to perform math operations on data channels, including basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, as well as smoothing and derivatives.
  • Production of correlation plots, with the ability to make arbitrary masks for regions of particular interest.
  • Display of tricolor RGB plots, with a selected channel representing a color.
  • Ability to combine data channels from multiple files.
  • Display of raw data from image by selecting data pixels, producing a line plot in x and y directions.
  • Recall of MCA data if data was saved at collection time.
  • Ability to rebin data to capture missed peaks.
  • PyMCA integration for advanced analysis of MCA data.
  • Pricipal component analysis routines on MCA data. Components can be saved back to image maps. Preliminary routine for using PCA to do EXAFS included as well.
  • XANES imaging fitting (SEE-XAS or sparse excitation energy XAS) routine to do linear least squares regressions given maps performed at several energies. User enters matrix of standards and gets the fitted proportions as a function of location on the sample.


5. XOP

  • Xop Introduction : XOP (X-ray Oriented Programs) is a widget-based driver program that is used as a common front-end interface for computer codes of interest to the synchrotron radiation community. It provides codes for:
    • modelling of x-ray sources (e.g., synchrotron radiation sources, such as undu lators and wigglers)
    • characteristics of optical devices (mirror, filters, crystals, multilayers, etc.)
    • multipurpose data visualizations and analyses


6. X-Ray Interactions With Matter

7. GenX

GenX is a versatile program using the differential evolution algorithm for fitting, primarily, X-ray and neutron reflectivity data, lately also surface x-ray diffraction data. The differential evolution algorithm is a robust optimization method which avoids local minima but at same is a highly effective. GenX is written in python and uses the wxpython package for the Graphical User Interface (GUI)


8. Calculations of GE-XRF & GI-XRF Intensity

9. Polycap

Polycap is a library for C with Python bindings that allows for the simulation of X-ray photons in poly- and monocapillary optics with multi-core processing abilities. This code allows for the study of the influence of the capillary shape, its deviations, surface roughness, reflector material, X-ray energy, source size, distance and divergence on the optic’s efficiency, working distance and focal spot size.



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