
  1. G Karydas, V. Kantarelou and M. Kaparou, “Appendix: Analysis by portable X-ray Fluorescence of the Central Bead”, within J. Davis and Sharon Stocker article: “The gold necklace from the Grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos”, Hesperia 87 (2018) 623–632,
  2. G. Karydas, “Appendix: Analysis of colorants and glazes”, in “The Medieval Deposit from the Northeast Gateway at the Palace of Nestor”, Hesperia, 82(4) pp 673-731, (2013)
  3. G. Karydas, “In situ XRF analysis of a Bronze Figurine in the Poros Archaeological Museum”, in B. Wells, “A Smiting-God-Figurine found in the sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia”, OPUSCULA, Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome 2, (2009) 143-153
  4. G. Karydas, “In Situ Examination by X-ray Spectrometric Techniques” in H. Brecoulaki, J. Davis, C. Zaitoun and S. Stocker, “An Archer from the Palace of Nestor, A New Wall-Painting Fragment in the Chora Museum”, Hesperia 77, pp. 388–389, (2008)
  5. G. Karydas and Ch. Zarkadas, in Reinholdt, Claus, Der frühbronzezeitliche Schmuckhortfund von Kap Kolonna: Ägina und die Ägäis im Goldzeitalter des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie 46. Ägina -Kolonna Forschungen und Ergebnisse 2, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. ISBN 978-3-7001-3948-5, (2008)
  6. G. Karydas, “In situ XRF analyses of wall-painting pigments on ancient funeral Macedonian monument” Appendix in the form of CD within ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 48 by H. Brecoulaki, La Peinture Funeraire De Macedoine, Emplois Et Fonctions De La Couleur Ive-Iie S. Av. J.-C, (2006)
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