Seminars – Presentations

Abstract: I will discuss the on-going efforts to bring theoretical predictions for 2->3 scattering processes in line with experimental measurements. The need to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD predictions for a wide class of experimental signatures has been understood for a long time however computational complexity has always stood in the way of making a complete set of predictions. In this talk I will describe the traditional bottlenecks found in scattering amplitude computations and modern methods that can overcome them.

Abstract: The development of a fully automated tool for the numerical calculation of NNLO corrections to scattering amplitudes is a highly desirable goal for the LHC era. Two-loop amplitudes can be expressed in terms of tensor integrals over two loop momenta with coefficients derived from the Feynman diagrams of a given scattering process. Hence, the calculation can be structured into the computation of the tensor coefficients, the reduction of the tensor integrals and the evaluation of the resulting master integrals. In this talk, we present a new algorithm to numerically construct the tensor coefficients for two-loop amplitudes in the OpenLoops framework. Exploiting the factorisation of Feynman diagrams into universal building blocks, we construct these coefficients in a highly efficient way. The algorithm is completely general and has been fully implemented and tested for QED and QCD corrections to the Standard Model. We will discuss the structure of the algorithm and present studies on its CPU efficiency and numerical stability.

Abstract:Precise predictions for observables in perturbative Quantum Field Theory require the evaluation of multi-loop scattering amplitudes and integrals. We review recent advances in understanding the mathematics underlying perturbative higher-order computations and how they have led to new results for precision collider observables.






  • The Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI), Theory Challenges in the Precision Era of the Large Hadron Collider, Firenze, Aug 28, 2023 – Oct 13, 2023, September 11, 2023 by Costas G. Papadopoulos: “Integrand-level reduction with HELAC2LOOP”




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