Title: High Order Calculations and Tools for High Energy Colliders
Acronym: HOCTools-II
Scientific Area SA1. Physical Sciences
Scientific Field 1.1. Physical Sciences
Scientific Subfield 1.1.11 Particles and field Physics
Keywords: Quantum Field Theory,Particle Physics,Elementary Particle Theory,LHC Physics,Scattering
Amplitudes,Mathematical Physics,QCD Phenomenology,Multi-loop Feynman Integrals
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN (LHC) is exploring nature at the deepest possible level where ground breaking discoveries are expected. To this end, precise theoretical predictions for background and signal processes are indispensable. It is the aim of the proposed project to provide the necessary developments in concepts and methods, in calculations and computational tools, that allow for the most precise theoretical predictions. The main research objectives include: (a) the study of reduction at the integrand level techniques beyond one loop, (b) the evaluation of two-loop Feynman Integrals and the development of automated computational tools for next-to-next-to-leading (NNLO) order calculations and (c) the application of the developed methods and tools in calculations of scattering processes of primary interest at the highest possible level of precision. The Principal Investigator has a worldwide highly regarded expertise in higher order corrections calculations, recursive equations approach to scattering amplitudes, reduction techniques at the one-loop level and in the development of computational tools for leading and NLO calculations. The team members bring in addition a very advanced expertise in mathematical aspects of scattering amplitudes, NNLO and multi-loop calculations and precision phenomenology. Based on a well structured research, training and transfer of knowledge program, the research team, including also the recruited post-doctoral and PhD researchers will acquire all necessary competencies to address the challenging research objectives of the proposed project. The project is implemented through a detailed work plan, including well-defined milestones, necessary to assess its progress. The host institution provides an excellent multidisciplinary research environment and infrastructures of high quality. The successful completion of the project will place the Principal Investigator in a very advanced position in particle physics phenomenology worldwide, having therefore a very important impact on further developing an independent career.