Work Packages

Work Packages

Package Number 1

Title Amplitude reduction at the integrand level beyond one-loop

Starting Month 6

Ending Month 20


Establishing and studying the reduction of a general two-loop amplitude at the integrand level will be the main objective addressed within WP1. Task 1: Expressing n-particle two-loop amplitude, at the integrand level, in terms of the (n + 4)-particle tree-order ones, using HELAC generator. Task 2: Using the cut-equations to decompose the amplitude in terms of irreducible integral coefficients. Task 3: Computation of rational terms and implementation in HELAC, up to two loops. Task 4: Once this reduction scheme is being established it will be implemented in an efficient computer code, HELAC2LOOP, as part of the HELAC framework.


Package Number 2

Title Evaluation of multi-loop Master Integrals

Starting Month 1

Ending Month 15


The evaluation of Master Integrals at two loops is the objective of WP2. Based on the method of simplified differential equations approach and the Internal Reduction method, we plan to analytically express all five-point two-loop Master Integrals with one off-shell leg and provide computational tools for their efficient numerical evaluation. Task 1: Determination of a pure-function basis of MI, based on their maximal cuts of MI in Baikov representation and their dlogform. Task 2: Construction of canonical differential equations making use of recently developed computational tools of integration by parts identities. Task 3: Implementing the analytic results in an efficient computer code, integrated in HALEAC2LOOP.


Package Number 3

Title Automated computation and applications to scattering processes at the LHC

Starting Month 16

Ending Month 36


Within the current project we provide two-loop amplitudes for 2 3 processes, relevant to 3- photon, 3-jet and W;Z;H + 2 jet production. Task 1: Validating HELAC2LOOP for 2 2 processes against known results on two-loop matrix elements for 2-parton, W;Z;H + 1-parton and V1V2 (V1;2 = W;Z;H) production. Task2: Using HELAC2LOOP to evaluate new two loop amplitudes for 3-photon, 3-jet and W;Z;H + 2-jet production. Task 3: Designing and developing the necessary interfaces to the computational framework of sector-improved residue subtraction method, STRIPPER, in order to study QCD NNLO corrections to 2 3 processes at the LHC.


Package Number 4


Title Management & Dissemination

Starting Month 1

Ending Month 36

Actions The Management of the project will be done by the PI in collaboration with the team members.

Hiring of the post-doctoral researcher is the first priority. Effective advertisement to a broad, diverse group of talented young PhDs is essential in order to select the best possible candidates. The positions will be advertised through a variety of means: Euraxess, INSPIRES, e-mail lists, Institutional websites. The setup and maintenance of a web site for the project is also an important task. Dissemination of research results will proceed through publications to refereed journals, presentations at conferences and workshops. We plan to organise three HOCTools-II mini-workshops with the participation of all external members: the first will be at month 8, the second at month 20 and the third at month 31. Public engagement activities will take place in outreach events of NCSR-D through three public lectures delivered by team members.

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