CMS is one of the two general-purpose experiments currently collecting and analyzing data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The INPP CMS group currently consists of 4 academics staff members, 0 postdoctoral researchers, 1 engineer and 3 Ph.D. students.
The INNP CMS group
The INPP CMS group has the following members assigned 100% to the CMS/Tracker project.
Doctoral students: P. Asenov, P. Assiouras, G. Paspalaki
Non-Doctoral students: A. Papadopoulos
Electronics Engineer: I. Kazas
Administration: M. Barone
The INPP CMS members contribute to running the experiment with shifts (Shift leader, Central DAQ, Trigger, ECAL and Online Monitor). They have also undertaken Service work within ECAL, TriDas, Tracker, DQM, Upgrade physics studies, etc.
They are active in two different directions:
1) Physics analysis
INPP CMS group invested primarily on the physics measurements using data of proton-proton collisions at 7, 8 and 13 TeV. Members of the group play leading role in important analyses within CMS and participate regularly in Analysis Review Committees (ARCs ). The physics studies focused on Standard Model, Supersymmetry, Higgs, Exotic and Top-quark physics.
2) The CMS Phase II Upgrade
Since 2016 the members of the group that were working for the CMS ECAL moved to the activities of the CMS Tracker and the associated R&D work for the Phase II upgrade.
The activities of the INPP CMS Tracker group are deployed across the fronts of maintenance and operation of the current tracker detector and the developmental work for the phase II upgrade of the CMS Tracker.