Seminars & Colloquia

14 September 2020

Colloquium: Prof. Ignatios Antoniadis, “Challenges of an accelerating Universe in supersymmetric theories”

On Friday 18/9, Prof. Ignatios Antoniadis, Albert Einstein Center – ITP, University of Bern, will give a colloquium on the “Challenges of an accelerating Universe in […]
3 December 2019

Seminar: Prof. Platon Tinios, University of Piraeus, “Planet Longevity: Interdisciplinary Analysis of Longevity in Greece and Europe”

On Tuesday 10/12, Prof. Platon Tinios will give a seminar on “Planet Longevity”: Interdisciplinary Analysis of Longevity in Greece and Europe [pdf] [ppt] The seminar will […]
1 October 2019

Seminar: Dr. George Linardopoulos, INPP, NCSR Demokritos, “Holographic defects and applications”

15/10/2019, Seminar room, Tandem Building, INPP [pdf]
16 September 2019

Seminar: Research Activities 2013-2019, by Aristotelis Kyriakis

17/9/2019, Seminar room, Tandem Building, INPP [pdf]
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