Seminars & Colloquia

10 May 2021

Colloquium: Dr Niels Tuning, “The pattern of flavour anomalies in light of recent results from LHCb”

On Tuesday 18 May 2021, 12:00, Dr Niels Tuning (NIKHEF, The Netherlands) will give a colloquium on “The pattern of flavour anomalies in light of recent […]
5 May 2021

Colloquium: Prof. Subir Sarkar, “Testing the Cosmological Principle”

On Tuesday 11 May 2021, 12:00, Prof. Subir Sarkar (Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, UK) will give a colloquium on “Testing the […]
21 April 2021

Colloquium: Dr Panagiotis Barkoutsos, “Quantum Machine Learning Analysis of LHC data on IBM Quantum Computers: a case of potential quantum advantage”

On Thursday 6 May 2021, 12:00, Dr Panagiotis Barkoutsos (IBM Research Zurich) will give a colloquium on “Quantum Machine Learning Analysis of LHC data on IBM […]
13 April 2021

Colloquium: Prof. Gilberto Colangelo, “The muon g-2 in the standard model: a review of the calculation of hadronic contributions”

On Tuesday 20 Apr 2021, 12:00, Prof. Gilberto Colangelo (University of Bern) will give a colloquium on “The muon g-2 in the standard model: a review […]
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