Special Scientific Personnel
Yiannis Kazas holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering and a Master’s degree in Microelectronics, from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He joined the Solid-State Detector Instrumentation Laboratory (DIL) in 2010 and he is now serving as Special Scientific Personnel.
His main research activities include solid state detectors and associated electronics, for spectroscopic and digital imaging applications. Currently, as a member of the INPP CMS group he is working for the development, characterization and evaluation of silicon sensors for the CMS Outer Tracker Upgrade. He is also involved, as the leading engineer, in the design of the Data Acquisition System (DAQ) for the system tests of the CMS Inner Tracker Phase-2 Upgrade and the characterization of the prototype pixel ASICs. Moreover, he is working for the development of scintillator – silicon photomultiplier systems for Space radiation field measurements, for the European Space Agency.