Director of Researcher
Born in 1973, Dr. Lagoyannis, studied physics at the University of Ioannina, Greece and received his PhD in 2001. For his PhD thesis, he carried out experimental work at GANIL, Caen, France, that focussed on the structure of exotic light nuclei using proton scattering in inverse kinematics with radioactive beams. At the same time he was a visiting fellow at CEA-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. After completing his military service in 2003, he was appointed as Research Assistant at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of “Demokritos” and was responsible for the recent upgrade works at the Tandem accelerator. He was a visiting scientist in a few European laboratories in the last 2 years where he carried out research in the fields of nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. He is responsible for many collaborative programs related to ion-beam-based nuclear analytical techniques. He has been a member of the organizing committees of all recent workshops and international conferences organized by INP. In the last 4 years, he has trained almost the all students who carried out experimental work at the Tandem laboratory for their Diploma in basic nuclear techniques and instrumentation. In December 2007, he was elected tenure-track research scientist. His record includes 40 peer-reviewed articles, and 15 papers in conference proceedings.