The KM3NeT Collaboration together with Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics of NCSR DEMOKRITOS launch the drawing contest “Draw me a neutrino”. Participants from France, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Morocco, South Africa, and Spain are invited to submit, before March 15h 2020, their best interpretation of a neutrino.
Three different groups will enter the competition:
Through this contest, the KM3NeT Collaboration is seeking to familiarize the broad public to the science carried out with this new European facility that is currently under construction more than 2000 meters deep in the Mediterranean Sea. While the completion of the detector, whose sites will be located off-shore Toulon in France and Capo Passero in Italy, is expected for 2025, the Collaboration is already searching for the best illustration of the neutrinos it will detect!
More information about the contest, the rules, and the neutrino itself can be found on:
Contact for the national contest: oikonomou AT inp DOT demokritos DOT gr