
CERN Master classes

The Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics of NCSR “Demokritos”, organizes every year the Particle Physics Master classes for high school students. The international particle physics master classes are workshops organized by the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG, http://ippog.org). The Master classes take place in more than 50 countries and more than 200 universities and research institutes all over the world. In Greece, the participants are the universities of Athens, Thessaloniki, Crete, the National Technical University, as well as NCSR “Demokritos”. During the day, high school students have the opportunity to work together with researchers in high energy physics and analyze particle physics data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Initially, the students attend presentations for particle physics theory, accelerators, detectors and cosmology. Then, in the second part of the master class, the students are trained to analyze events from CMS experiment and “discover” by themselves the Higgs Boson. Finally, a teleconference takes place with other high schools around the world participating in the master class at the same day. During the conference, the students present and discuss their results and familiarize themselves with the international/multicultural tradition of research in fundamental physics.







Complex Systems and Applications (C.O.S.A.)

INPP has been the driving force in promoting the Interdisciplinary study of the principles of Nonlinear Science, Chaotic Dynamics and Complex Systems between the Institutes of NCSR- Demokritos through the establishment of the COSA-Net Group (cosa.inn.demokritos.gr) in 2006. It was initiated in 2006 by the Board of Directors of NCSR “Demokritos” at the scientific recommendation of researchers from the center. Its purpose was to set up an interdisciplinary network of Greek researchers, with NCSR “Demokritos” as its cross-fertilizing hub. Its aim is to promote the study of the emerging field of complexity research. It requires the synergy of a variety of concepts, methods and techniques from a variety of fields such as information Science, Nonlinear Sciences-deterministic chaos, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and Fractal geometry. It equally touches through its insights a wide range of the human scientific endeavor ranging from particle and nuclear physics, cosmology and astrophysics, nanotechnology and mesoscopic physics as well as biology, economics and social sciences. It evolved into a national hub of dissemination and outreach activities on Complexity Science among existing Greek Universities and other Research Centers through its Summer Schools, Courses, Seminars and Research.

COSA’s activities are educational and outreach through

  1. a semester course offered for credit in collaboration with the National Technical University of Athens on “Special Topics on Complex Systems”
  2. Annual Summer Schools co-organized on the subject of “Dynamic Systems and complexity” as well as on “Mathematical modeling of Complex systems”:
  3. COSA seminars on “Nonlinear Science and Complexity”

Its recognition in Research culminated through the recent (2017) award of the George Photeinos Prize by the Academy of Athens to Dr Kostas Karamanos , an associate member of INPP-Cosa for his published work in Fractals 23(3), 1550026 (2015) “Entropy production of entirely diffusional Laplacian transfer and the possible role of fragmentation of the boundaries.”

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